Coaching you to choose your life and live your choice

This is Mary cheering for you!
One of her former clients, Paul C. says,"Mary, your novel approach to conscious living is powerful and needed. Thank you for helping me work through a transition in my life."
What Is Life Coaching?
Rising Sun Life Coaching offers services that seek to assist you or your organization in living with intentional focus through your relationships with each other and the Earth. I believe in nurturing a fulfilling, sustainable, and balanced way of living. Coaching is for people who are eager to get the most out of life by managing transitions with grace and a feeling of empowerment. Coaching can be done either in person or on the phone. I invite you to explore the menu buttons at left to learn more and see if coaching would be right for you.
4-Steps to Satisfaction:
How 4 Sessions Can Change Your Life!
- Step One: Decide What You Want
- Step Two: Understand Where You Are
- Step Three: Identify Your Gifts
- Step Four: Commit to Your Plan
Contact Mary for an appointment, and start realizing how fulfilling life can be!
Personal Coaching
How can individuals benefit from coaching?
Discover the Authentic You in your work and your relationships
- Explore choices that will lead to fulfillment
- Find and sustain the radiance that is within you
- Feel confident as you take ownership of your life
- Stay on track, once you've chosen your direction
- Stop settling for the mediocre in life
- Uncomplicate your life
- Reduce anxiety and stress
- Get more out of life by living the life that you choose
Academic Coaching
- How do students benefit from coaching?
- Identify their skills, talents, and future potential
- Gain confidence in academic and personal abilities
- Set specific goals for achievement and satisfaction
- Develop tools to stay on track
- Be encouraged and supported, just as a sports coach would do

Organizational Development
How do organizations benefit from coaching services?
- Coaching applies a systems approach to identifying and enriching the dynamic process and creativity that enables a group to realize its goals
- Facilitating meetings
- Identifying goals
- Developing positive interaction
- Building consensus
- Team building
- Managing change
- Motivating for success
- Enhancing leadership and management skills

How Do I Get Started?
- 30-minute weekly or 60-minute bi-weekly sessions are usual
- Several plans and rate schedules available to meet your needs
- Not comfortable being coached alone? Organize a group and contact Mary for a workshop or class
Assessment Surveys
Click on the images below to access files from the Coaches Training Institute that you can print out to take your own assessment survey of your thoughts and feelings to help guide you towards your personal or professional goals.