The Way of the SAGE is big on love! It is not only “what makes the world go ‘round” but also the motivating dynamic by which our worlds become better and more alive. The SAGE dynamics can all be enhanced by love: Spirituality, Authenticity, Gratitude and Enjoyment, each one gives us a huge heart hug for Valentine’s Day!
First, there’s Spirituality: How does Spirituality apply in a loving relationship? It’s really the foundation, as each partner in a relationship seeks to deepen his/her awareness of transcendence, connecting to the fundamental nature of all goodness and beauty, recognizing the enormity of existence that is not dependent upon material fixation. The more deeply each partner grows in spirituality, the more deeply is the love that can be offered and received.
Next is Authenticity: To be authentic in a relationship is to freely enjoy one’s own true self, while at the same time recognizing and honoring the true self of the other. Wow! What power there might be in a relationship where both partners thrive, grow, exercise strengths and utilize their best personal traits! To realize that the other loves me, warts and all allows me to celebrate US—separately and together.
The third dimension of SAGE love is Gratitude: The Apostle Paul reminds us to give thanks in all things. The Valentine SAGE expresses thanks to his/her partner! That means regularly saying how much this person means, not just on Valentine’s Day. Saying gratitude also involves compliments, a LOT of them! Everyone wants positive feedback, and everyone needs a cheerleader. Martin Seligman in Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment, identifies gratification as the key component of a satisfying life. Recognizing and building upon one’s personal strengths and virtues leads to true happiness. Perceiving the good and the individual worth of one’s partner deepens love and invites even more.
Finally, SAGE love involves enjoyment: To experience pleasure together, at whatever level that is possible, is a sure guarantee of lasting love. Fun, enjoyment, good times, leisure, and romance all provide the spice and juiciness of love. This becomes the “doing” aspect of the relationship: what we do together that gives us smiles and laughter, builds shared memories, and makes us open to even more fun together. Laughter, even laughing for no reason, releases positive hormones, good energy, and optimism (, and laughing together just doubles the benefit.
So, live, love, laugh and be happy on this very SAGE Valentine’s Day!